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  • Writer's picture Treavor Dodsworth CFP®, CPA, CKA®

#126 - What I Love About My Job

What I Love About My Job

In early January 2017, I registered Sycomore Financial as a business in the state of Indiana. Five years ago! It seems incomprehensible that much time has passed.

My favorite part of my job over the years has stayed pretty consistent- I love the initial financial plan creation. After the introduction meeting and goals meeting, clients have given me a wide range of financial documents (tax returns, investments statements, employee benefit information, etc.) and we have talked through goals.

At this point, I sit down with all the information and start putting it all together. In my mind, it is similar to a good puzzle (shout out to national puzzle day a couple of weeks ago).

There are several reasons why I like this part of the process. First, I like creating order. Financial matters can be so complex between investments, taxes, insurance, cash flow, etc. I like putting it all together in a picture that makes sense. Second, it is fun to find simple changes clients can make that will help improve their financial situation.

I am five years from registering Sycomore Financial as a business. I have poured thousands of hours into the business. Chances are many of you have spent thousands (or tens of thousands) of hours pouring into your career (whether that is a job for money or a job at home).

I would love to hear what your favorite part of your job is. Reach out and let me know!


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  • Ben makes several excellent points in the article. I particularly liked how he articulated the difference between gambling and investing.


Thank you for reading!


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