Last week I participated in a call presented by Rob West (Kingdom Advisors) and Paul Anthes (R3 Coaching). Among other topics, they discussed an exercise and worksheet that is helpful to walk through when thinking of all the changes we have faced recently. The worksheet is intended for businesses (financial advisors in particular), but even if you don’t own a business, I think it applies well in our personal life as well. The idea is to walk through the following four categories after praying for God’s guidance:
Must Not Change
Example: Priority order - God > family > work
What Changed
Example: Increased concern and giving to those around us
Temporary - Change Back
Example: Attend church service in person
Changes to Keep or Make
Example: Spend less time with the inlaws… joking of course. My inlaws are great.
Everyone I know has been impacted in some way by COVID-19. When you start listing out the changes, I think you will find some of them have been positive. This exercise is helpful in being intentional about what changes you keep.
Interesting Article(s) or Video(s)
The SBA continues to push out new guidance regarding the PPP loan.
IRAHelp - CARES Act Expands HSAs
For many, it makes more sense to invest an HSA balance for the long term vs. using it for current expenses. This isn’t always the case though, and therefore, it is helpful to keep up with changes to the distribution rules. The CARES Act expanded what HSAs can be used for.
Thank you for reading! What changes would you like to be permanent?