This one might be the hardest post I have written yet. How do I discuss the week the stock market had without bringing so much focus on it that it increases worry? There are a million things I could write whole posts on - investing for the long term, not trying to time the market, etc. You will likely see future posts on those or similar topics. I was reminded recently by my friends (Jeremy Walter and Ryan Stith) that sometimes the technical isn’t what helps calm the worry. Therefore, this week I simply want to communicate this: I am with you. I am on your side. I want the best for you.
Remember this- whether the stock market is up or down this week. I know it is not fun seeing negative headlines and red returns. Please do not hesitate to give me a call (765-335-6673) if you would like to discuss.
Interesting Article(s) or Video(s)
Benningfield Financial Advisors - Why Are We All Working So Hard?
Just because our productivity increases doesn’t mean our work hours decrease. This article is an interesting look at why that might be the case.
Thank you for reading!