We all make mistakes. I do, you do, everyone around us does. Even though we live in a mistake-ridden world, we sometimes function as if we don’t. I recently read an article on Kitces.com talking about what to do if Social Security has incorrect earnings listed on your Social Security statement. Your earning history is a part of the equation to determine your benefit. To be honest, I have never reviewed my Social Security statement to see if earnings are reported correctly. While we can't constantly be reviewing everything in our lives, there are several things that I assume that are working that may not be. For example, when I deposit my grandma’s birthday check via mobile deposit I don’t typically go in and confirm that the money hit my bank account. In addition to your Social Security statement, below are two items that can be helpful to review:
Take a look at your credit report. You can receive a free credit report from annualcreditreport.com. Does it appear that anything is reported incorrectly?
Have a system to review your financial transactions. Personally, I use Tiller Finance but there are several options out there.
We all make mistakes. If you find a mistake and reach out to correct it, my encouragement is to do so with humility.
Thank you for reading!