Last year, I read a book by Tim Sanders titled “Today We Are Rich.” This past weekend there were a couple of times this title popped into my head. For whatever reason, I was overly aware of all of the blessings that were in my life.
Unfortunately, I did not take that mentality into the workweek. Instead of keeping the mindset of how blessed I was to have work, I let my mind start entertaining the negative “what if’s."
This week I heard someone use the phrase “pre-anxious.” It reminded me that most worries or fears are not about something that has already happened but something that is yet to happen. If we step back from the situation and realize that nothing bad has happened yet, we are more likely to put aside the worry and be able to focus on this - “Today We Are Rich.”
Note: "Today We Are Rich" is an excellent read. I wouldn't say that I completely touched on his purpose with the book in this post and don't want to misrepresent it. The book is more about harnessing confidence. Go out and give it a read!
Interesting Article(s) or Video(s)
Both the articles below were initially seen on
AdvisorPerspectives - U.S. Retirement Savers Stayed Calm While Stock Markets Plunged
This is an interesting look at how some investors reacted during the recent market volatility.
Morningstar - A Thrift Savings Plan Update
The TSP plan investment options are getting an update.
Thank you for reading! How are you blessed today?