In personal finance, education can pay huge dividends.
Fortunately, the number of personal finance blogs and resources on the internet is plentiful to say the least. I wanted to share a few that I enjoy and learn from you what ones you derive value from.
Nerd’s Eye View - - This blog is geared towards financial advisors. Michael Kitces and others that write for the site are seen to be thought leaders in the industry. If you simply want to learn more about some advanced financial topics, do an internet search for what you are looking for and "" and you will likely find a good resource.
The Slott Report - - This is another blog that is great for education. If you have a question about IRAs or other retirement accounts, they have a discussion forum that is free to join and is great for learning some of the nuances of the accounts.
Randy Alcorn - - Randy writes about a variety of topics that are related to the Christian faith. He often will connect faith and finance. He is actually the author of my favorite book on faith/finance (Money, Possessions, and Eternity).
A Wealth of Common Sense - Ben Carlson writes almost daily and often uses charts to tell a story.
What blogs do you enjoy? Let me know!