If you have read many of these posts, you hopefully will recognize a theme of making sure we don’t over prioritize money. This can be difficult for people to do, myself included. I am writing this as a “note to self.”
I very much enjoy helping people see the picture of their finances more clearly but an overemphasis on money can result in us slowly placing our ultimate security in it. It is important to remember that money can’t provide ultimate security and to remember that is okay. I take comfort in knowing that I don’t have to depend on money for ultimate security given how insecure it truly is.
I am a Christian and believe ultimate security can be found in Christ.
Christ is at the top of the priority list. Then for me it goes family, work (I feel a duty to my clients) / friends… and somewhere down lower money. When those priorities get mixed up, the temptation for anxiety, character flaws, etc. becomes greater.
This is my note to self today (that I am passing along to you) - “Keep money in its place.”
Interesting Article(s) or Video(s)
Harvard Business Review - How to Spend Way Less Time on Email Every Day
I originally saw this link on Kitces.com. For many, hours of each workday are spent reading and responding to email. Changing a few practices could add up to big time savings.
Thank you for reading!