One of the dangers of growing wealth is pride. When I say pride, I am referring to looking down on someone else and saying you are better than them. God does not want us to elevate ourselves over others. Even if you are not a Christian, though most people universally look down on pride. I have found the temptation of pride can come as resources increase. So what are we to do when this temptation comes. I have put a few thoughts below but I want to hear your thoughts as well.
Give and serve. Take what you have been blessed with and use it for the benefit of others.
Right perspective. Wealth is fleeting. In an instant, it could be gone. Why would you place your value and someone else’s lack of value on something so temporary?
Don’t dwell on it. Think about what you are thinking about. We are not victims of our thoughts and feelings. We can shape them into right thoughts and feelings.
Stop striving. Step away from the pursuit of wealth and just rest in the goodness of God.
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IRA Help - Qualified Charitable Distributions and the “MEGA” QCD Strategy: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag
Some of these IRA Help posts can be somewhat technical but I believe that with personal finance, education can pay big dividends. In this post, Andy answers two questions about Qualified Charitable Distributions.
Thank you for reading!