The most common question I am asked after telling people about the name of my business is- “Wait. Did you spell Sycomore wrong?”
The name Sycomore Financial comes from the story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19. In this story, Zacchaeus (who likely lived a life consumed with money) climbed a Sycomore tree so that he could catch a glimpse of Jesus. After seeing and then subsequently meeting Jesus, he gave a significant portion of his wealth away. He found something that was of greater value than his wealth.
Though the Sycamore and Sycomore trees are similar my understanding is the correct spelling of the tree Zacchaeus climbed is either Sycomore or Sycamore-fig. The Sycamore tree has different characteristics than the Sycomore or Sycamore-fig. I know I am splitting hairs with this one. The availability of the domain name may have played into the decision on spelling as well.
Some see the Sycamore tree as a symbol of preservation. Due to the story of Zacchaeus, I see the Sycomore tree as a symbol for shifting the focus on that which has true value. The name Sycomore Financial reminds me and hopefully clients to focus on that which has true value. Take time today to evaluate your priorities so that you are taking steps toward that which will bring you true fulfillment.