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Writer's picture Treavor Dodsworth CFP®, CPA, CKA®

#163 - How to Practically Give Tithe

How to Practically Give Tithe

In the olden days, you would go to church and each Sunday at a designated point in the service ushers would pass an offering plate up and down each row for people to give. Many churches have gone away from this. While there still may be a box in the back for giving, much of giving has moved online. I recently heard a speaker explain how they did their giving. Each week they would look at their cash flow and see what their income was. Then the husband would write a check and the wife would sign it. They would then give it to their church each week thanking God for his provision. There are a couple aspects of this that I really like:

  1. It incorporates the whole family. Both spouses touch the gift and your kids see you put it in the box.

  2. It is a weekly reminder of God’s provision and your response.

I am not writing this to tell you how you should give. The speaker's example stuck out to me though and it made me wonder if I should be more intentional with not only what I give but how I give.

  • I recently had the opportunity to do the online Journey of Generosity class with Generous Giving. I would highly recommend it. The videos and discussion were excellent. It is well worth the time. If you want to check out a few of their stories, they have the videos available at the above link.


Thank you for reading!

Images from Pexels: photographer Tatiana Syrikova


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